Thanks To the Support of Businesses like The Sena Group, The Leadership Delray Program & The Delray Beach Fire Rescue Are a Huge Success!
Mr. John Sena “Thanks to Fire Rescue Department for all you do to keep our community safe”!
Dear Mr. Sena,
Thank you for attending the presentation at Delray Beach Fire-Rescue on April 18, 2018 as pait of the Leadership Delray program. As a student of Leadership Delray, you have shown your commitment to the community and that is commendable.
We are always pleased to welcome members of the community to the Fire-Rescue Department and hope your visit was enjoyable and informative. We are proud of the professional men and women of the Delray Beach Fire-Rescue Depaitment and the quality service they provide and appreciate the opportunity to share our skills, goals and accomplishments.
While it is always our hope that you will never need our services, please know that we are prepared and ready to serve, when needed.
Neal de Jesus
Fire Chief