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Insurance Boca Raton

Supplies You Should Buy Before The Storm Hits

If a storm has been forecast for your area, the days before it hits can be a worrying time where everything seems uncertain.  Not knowing how much, if any, damage will be caused by high winds and flooding is a cause for concern for homeowners throughout the state of Florida.  With many low lying areas seeing hurricane damage occur year after year, ensuring you and your family are prepared for the storm is an important way of keeping safe.

If you have not experienced hurricane season in Florida before, or are looking for advice on how best to prepare, check out our handy list of supplies that you should stock up on before the storm hits.

  1. Water – never underestimate how much water you will need to ride out the storm, and to keep you going in the days or weeks after. You should allow for 1 gallon per person per day for 2 weeks. Don’t forget extra water for cooking and cleaning and for your pets as well.
  2. Food – You should purchase enough food to last your household for 3 to 7 days. Buy non-perishable packaged or canned food, and be sure that you have some fuel to cook outdoors should the power go out.
  3. Light – Be sure to have at least one heavy-duty, battery-operated flashlight in case the power fails. Keep extra batteries somewhere safe and dry and easily accessible should you need them.
  4. Phone or Radio – You will probably rely on your cell phone for most of your communications, but if the network fails or you run out of charge, you should consider buying a simple battery radio as back up, to enable you to receive updates on the storm and water conditions.
  5. Personal Hygiene Items – You should always keep your hands clean during an emergency to prevent the potential spread of disease. Hand sanitizer does not work on dirty hands, so clean them first using only boiled or bottled water. Do not use tap water even for bathing until officials tell you its safe to do so.
  6. Waterproof Containers – These come in all shapes and sizes and are useful for keeping your belongings up high and dry.  Use small ones for important documents, social security cards and other vital pieces of ID, and larger ones for keeping spare blankets dry and extra clothing.
  7. Plastic Sheeting/Tarps – After a hurricane, you can use plastic sheeting or tarps to cover any holes or damage to your roof until it can be fixed, which can help to keep your home protected from further rain or water damage.
  8. Storm Shutters and Boards – if you live in an area that is prone to extreme storms, you should consider investing in permanent storm shutters to protect your home from damage every hurricane season. At the very least, board up your windows prior to the arrival of the storm.
  9. 9. A basic toolkit – if parts of the structure of your home come loose or are damaged during a storm, having a toolkit within easy reach can help to prevent further damage. Keep a drill, screwdriver, shovel, and mallet somewhere safe as the bare minimum, and add door bolts, window repair tools, and hurricane straps if you can.
  10. Hurricane insurance coverage – most homeowner insurance is limited in the amount of cover it will provide for damages caused by a hurricane.  High winds and floods may not be covered as part of your regular homeowner insurance, and you may need to purchase separate hurricane cover before the storm hits.

If you would like advice about the best hurricane cover for your Florida home, speak to our friendly advisors today at 561-391-4661.

 For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487