Make It Count – Become an Organ Donor in South Florida
When you apply for your driver’s license here in Florida, you will have a lot of forms to fill in. Somewhere amongst all that paperwork, there is the option to become an organ donor, meaning you could save a life even after you have gone.
Nobody wants to think about being involved in a fatal road accident, but the fact is that they happen. By checking the organ donor box, you could give the gift of life to someone who really needs it. When you register as an organ donor in Florida, you are pledging that should you get into an accident, your body can be salvaged for its available parts.
There is always a shortage of harvested organs to save the lives of those who need them.
Every 10 minutes, a person is added to the national organ donation waiting list. There are currently more than 118,000 people awaiting organ donations, with the number growing daily. As many as eighteen people die every day waiting for a life-saving organ. By becoming an organ donor, you could help save them.
Almost Anyone Can Register to Donate
Organ donation doesn’t discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, nationality or age. If you are under 18 you can get the legal consent of a parent before you donate, but there is sadly always a need to smaller organs too. You don’t have to be a super fit athlete to donate either. Very few medical conditions disqualify someone from donating, and if some organs are not able to be reused, other body parts and tissues may still be viable.
Being an Organ Donor Can Give Your Own Family Comfort
If the unthinkable should happen, you can help your family to grieve your loss by donating your organs to those who need them. Your legacy will live on in the lives you save, and although you are no longer with them, your family will feel immensely proud that you have been able to improve the lives of others.
It Costs Nothing but Is Absolutely Priceless
Registering to be an organ donor is completely free. There are no charges and you only need to complete a basic form to give you consent. After your passing, your family will not be responsible for any costs relating to the donation, so you can rest assured that they will not be left with hefty medical bills just to see your wishes come true.
Saving a life after you have gone is priceless. We appreciate that some people feel uncomfortable about the prospect of donating organs after they pass, but the reality is there is a desperate shortage of viable organs available throughout the USA.
To give you an idea of specific figures relating to organ shortages, as of last year there was a desperate need for:
- 95,300 in need of a kidney transplant
- 13,657 in need of a liver transplant
- 3,847 in need of a heart transplant
- 1,466 people in need of a lung transplant
As you can see from these figures alone, supply does not meet demand and even if you save just one life as a result of your passing, the results are far-reaching and worth their weight in gold.
Auto Insurance from The Sena Group
If you are a new driver or have recently reapplied for your driver’s license, you may also be looking for auto insurance to get you out on the road. Speak to our friendly and helpful agents today and let them find the best deal for you. Call us now at 561-391-4661.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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