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Life Insurance for Adventurers

Walking on the Wild Side

Part of the fun in life is experiencing all the world has to offer. In their zeal for new experiences, people often forget a very basic need – life insurance. Younger adventurers are more likely to overlook the benefits of life insurance than older individuals, but it’s essential for everyone. No one wants to consider their own demise, but life is full of dangers you can’t predict.

From eco-tourists to extreme sports enthusiasts, individuals have more opportunities for traveling and exploring than ever before. While most locales are considered safe, changing governments, civil unrest and even the potential for terrorism makes it essential that people protect themselves in the event of the unexpected.

A term life insurance policy is one of the best options available, particularly if you have a spouse/partner or children. When buying a life insurance policy, the most important rule to follow is being honest with the insurance agent about the activities in which you’ll be engaged.

Simply being insured doesn’t automatically confer instant and total benefits. Life insurance policies have a contestability clause, which means the policy can be canceled if the insurer deems that you’ve been dishonest about the information you provided. In some instances, taking specific safety courses and purchasing top of the line equipment may reduce the premiums.

Even for people that don’t participate in extreme sports or risky pursuits, a life insurance policy provides peace of mine and monetary support for anyone you leave behind should the unthinkable happen. It pays to shop around since all life insurance policies are not created equal. The policy may not cover a death resulting from certain activities, a death occurring in an area/country deemed to be dangerous, or a death that occurs above or below certain altitudes or depths.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a simple precaution that’s essential for those you leave behind if the worst comes to pass. No one can predict the future and no matter how many precautions you take, there are some situations over which there’s no control. No one wants to think about a worst-case scenario, but it pays to be prepared. A comprehensive life insurance policy ensures loved ones are taken care of if you’re no longer there.


For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487