Life Events: When you Should Review Your Coverage
Life is an ever-changing tapestry of life events and as circumstances change, so should your insurance coverage. What’s appropriate for a young couple just starting out won’t be the same for a family with children or individuals in the twilight of life.
Optimally, you should review your insurance policies each time they come up for renewal. Some of life’s changes can be planned for, but an accident or medical diagnosis can change your circumstances in an instant.
Reasons you should review your coverage includes:
- A marriage or divorce
- Birth of a child, grandchild or an adoption
- Change in your health, your spouse’s or your partner’s
- Adult children move back home
- Adding another driver or vehicle
- Purchasing a new home
- Making major improvements or renovations to the home or business
- Adding security or safety improvements to the home or business
- Receiving an inheritance
- Starting or selling a business
- A health condition that requires long-term care
- If you’ll be responsible for an aging parent
Reviewing your policy enables you to increase or decrease coverage depending on your current or future needs. It’s also an opportunity to discover if there have been any changes in coverage, costs or deductibles from the previous year and if any new discounts are available.
Changes in weather conditions around the world have led to an increase in storms and their severity. Coverage for natural disasters can take many forms depending upon the location in which you live and not all types of damage are covered.
Adding Improvements
The addition of irrigation systems, hot tubs, swimming pools, outbuildings, decks and patios, elaborate backyard grills, landscaping, and new yard equipment are all good reasons to review your coverage. The same is true if you’re turning your basement into family living space or a home office.
Insurance is an important element of protecting family members, property and valuables. As your life changes and evolves, a yearly review of your insurance policies will ensure you’re prepared for any life situation.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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