Protect Your Business with the Right Insurance
With so many insurance products and coverage options, it’s often difficult for business owners to know what type of coverage best meets their needs. Since the business represents the individual’s income and lifestyle, it’s essential that it’s insured for every contingency. It’s one of the most important decisions anyone can make for their business.
Liability insurance covers customer injuries while they’re on the business’s property. One small spot of liquid can result in a slip and fall accident that can cost thousands of dollars. Choose a company that specializes in business coverage, that’s responsive, can grow with the business, and cares about clients.
Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical coverage for employee work-related injuries, illnesses and death. It will also pay the employee a percentage of their wages should they be unable to work as a result of the injury.
Property insurance is needed whether the business leases or owns the premises where they conduct business. It will cover instances such as fire, theft, vandalism, and storms. Earthquakes and floods typically aren’t covered under a standard policy, but separate coverage is often available.
Product liability insurance is critical for a company that sells its own products or resells the products of others. Even if a product is clearly labeled for age and usage, someone will inevitably fail to follow instructions that can result in a lawsuit that may ultimately bankrupt a business.
Businesses that utilize a company vehicle will need insurance should to protect against liability to injured parties and replace the vehicle if an accident occurs. Terms don’t apply for delivery personnel and people that deliver for a fee.
Business interruption insurance covers companies against loss of income if they’re unable to conduct commerce or need to rebuild after a disaster.
People that have a home-based business shouldn’t overlook the importance of insurance. A homeowner’s policy doesn’t cover a business in the same way as commercial insurance.
Operating a business provides a great deal of satisfaction and business owners will enjoy it even more knowing employees, customers and property are covered in the event of accidents, damage and other types of disasters. The needs of every business are unique and talking to an insurance expert that specializes in business insurance is essential.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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