Do you Need a Special License to Drive an RV?
RVs are becoming a way of life for many people that are retired, going on vacation, and relocating to escape the snow in northern locales. Florida is an extremely RV-friendly state. Some types of RVs require a CDL license in the owner’s state of origin based on the vehicle’s weight or size. Florida exempts RVs from CDL requirements.
Seven states require a class A or B CDL license for vehicles over 26,000 lbs. or over 45 feet in length. Ten states require a non-commercial license or endorsement based on the size or length of the RV. There are 34 states that don’t require any type of special licensure for an RV.
Since states vary so widely, before purchasing an RV and setting off for destinations unknown, individuals should always check with their local DMV office. The same is true for Florida residents. Even though Florida doesn’t require any special licensing, the destination state may. A simple solution is to purchase an RV that’s just under the size or weight that will require a CDL. Bigger isn’t always necessarily better.
While Florida exempts RV drivers from obtaining a CDL, there are other regulations of which individuals should be aware. For those that plan on taking their boat, car, motorcycle or other tow-behind with them, there are some rules that do apply.
- No more than one tow-behind can be attached
- An RV and tow-behind can’t exceed a maximum of 65 feet in length
- A motor home is limited to 45 feet in length, not counting bumpers and safety devices.
- A private motor coach can’t exceed 50 feet
When contemplating the purchase of an RV, it’s a good idea to take into consideration how many people will be using it and how often. If it will primarily be used for sleeping after a day of exploring, a smaller RV may be fine. Also, be aware that rainy days may require several people to be in close proximity for an extended length of time. No matter what RV is selected, it’s still a doorway to fun and adventure.
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