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Insurance Boca Raton

Boater Safety Classes Can Save Lives

Boater safety classes are essential to help people stay safe, and knowing what to do in an emergency can very well save a life. Obtaining a boating safety certificate may also save individuals money on their boat insurance costs. In Florida, passing a boating safety course is mandatory for anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, and that will operate a vessel with a 10 HP or larger motor.

People can still take classroom courses if they choose, but the Internet has changed many things and one of those is how boater safety classes are delivered. The BoatUS Foundation is the only free online boating course approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and National Association of State Boating Law Administrators.

The online courses can be accessed at any time from a desktop or laptop. Courses are not optimized for mobile devices. Individuals will be required to complete 4-8 hours of course time, six lessons, each of which includes a 10 question quiz, and a final examination of 75 questions that are randomly selected from all the information covered during the course.

Individuals can complete the class at their own pace. Upon successful completion of the course, individuals can print out a temporary ID card by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission that’s good for 90 days until the permanent card arrives.

Boat safety classes provide the essential information every boating enthusiast needs to ensure their own safety, and that of passengers and other boat operators. Those taking the courses will learn how to prevent accidents, life-threatening situations, and respond to them should the need arise.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

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The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487