Top Factors that Affect the Cost of Car Insurance Policies
Insurance companies utilize a variety of criteria to determine the car insurance costs for each individual. There are a number of elements that directly influence the rates you pay. Before reducing your coverage or increasing your deductible, consider the following top factors that will affect the price you pay for your auto insurance.
Older drivers tend to be safer and take fewer risks than younger drivers and teens.
Age of the Car
Repairs costs for an older car can amount to more than the vehicle is worth. New vehicles cost more to repair and are less likely to be considered totaled in an accident so insurance costs more on a newer car.
Credit Score
A lower credit score will definitely impact your costs. The reasoning is that people that control their finances well are more responsible in other areas of their life, such as driving.
Driving Activity
Some insurance companies will give you a break on costs if you only drive short distances to work. You can lower rates even more by keeping your vehicles in a locked garage.
Driving History
Drivers that have been in accidents, received tickets, or made vehicle claims in the past will pay higher rates as insurance companies believe the likelihood is high that they’ll make another claim. Some insurance companies will refuse to insure you at all, depending on your driving record.
Male drivers typically have more accidents than females. Older females tend to experience more minor accidents than their male counterparts. Older men also tend to get better rates than older females.
Marital Status
Single people have more accidents than those that are married. Single men can sometimes see their rates cut in half when they get married if they have a clean driving record.
The type of work you do and the amount of time you spend on the road will affect your rates. Journalists and delivery drivers are prime examples.
Safety Ratings
Vehicles with higher safety ratings mean a reduced likelihood the insurance company will need to pay for medical costs in an accident so insurance is a little less.
Larger cars are safer than smaller vehicles, even with similar safety ratings. Expect to pay higher premiums if you have a vehicle with a V8 engine or a sports car.
Some vehicles are at a higher risk of being stolen than others and you’ll pay higher insurance rates. You can help mitigate rates by installing an alarm or other anti-theft devices.
Where You Live
If you live in a densely populated area, where unemployment is high, that has a high number of uninsured drivers, or repair costs are especially high, your insurance will cost more.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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