Protect your Small Business with these Necessities
There are many ways in which small businesses can protect themselves with insurance. It can assist with financial penalties, lawsuits, digital liability, and loss of income. Anyone operating a business will need insurance and talking with an insurance specialist can help guide you through the types of insurance that best suits your industry.
Business Income
The insurance will help you replace lost income due to fire, wind damage, theft and similar problems. It will help cover lost revenues if you must shutter the business due to a fire or in the event of supply chain interruptions over which you have no control.
Commercial Auto
If you have vehicles used in conducting business, deliveries or similar services you’ll want this coverage. It’s particularly true if an employee drives that vehicle. It’s appropriate for owned or leased vehicles, along with employee-owned vehicles used as part of their job.
Commercial Property
This is one of the primary types of insurance you probably think of in connection with your business. It covers equipment, inventory, tools, and furniture in the event of instances such as fire, theft and vandalism.
Cyber Liability
Hackers attack businesses of all types and if you maintain personal information on clients or customers, this is designed to protect you if there’s a digital intrusion Also known as data breach insurance, it will pay to notify customers that were affected, offer credit monitoring services, and hire a PR agency to manage your reputation.
General Liability
These policies pay for medical expenses should someone claim an injury such as a slip-and-fall accident on your business property. The policies can also provide protection against slander and libel.
Professional Liability
Known as errors and omission insurance, this protects you if you make a mistake in the services you provide. An example would be a financial consultant whose advice causes a client to lose money rather than make it. If sued for negligence, the coverage will pay your legal fees.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
We can be found on Social Media at the following links.
The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487