Questions to ask Before Switching Car Insurance Providers
If you’re thinking of changing your car insurer, don’t assume that cheaper is automatically better. The goal is to get the best value for your money. There are multiple questions that you should ask a potential insurer and have them answered to your satisfaction. Before making a commitment, the following are things you should consider.
What Coverage Do I Need?
There’s collision, comprehensive coverage, and personal injury protection. Your decision should be based on how much you drive, the people that drive the vehicle, and the distances driven. Also, don’t assume that all drivers are covered in your vehicle. Some policies only cover the individuals named on the policy. You may not be covered if you’re driving a vehicle belonging to someone else.
Show Me The Discounts
Depending on the insurer, you may be eligible for a variety of discounts. Unfortunately, if you don’t ask for the information or the agent doesn’t ask the right questions, you’ll never know if you qualify. Ask for a list of all discounts the insurer offers.
What’s My Job?
The insurance company will want to know about your employment, the distance you drive to reach it, and if your car is used in the performance of your job. Some typical coverage exclusions include sales or delivery work. You may be able to obtain additional coverage options to alleviate this.
How Will My Deductible Affect My Premium?
A higher deductible will typically lower your premiums, but the question is how much. If you’re responsible for $1,000 of repair/replacement costs and you’re only saving $200 per year, it may not be a good trade-off in the event of an accident. If you may not have the $1,000 should an accident occur, you could find yourself in a financial bind.
Do I Have Gap Insurance?
It’s usually required for leased vehicles, but it’s also handy if you have a loan on the vehicle. A vehicle begins to substantially depreciate from the moment you drive it off the lot. Gap insurance will cover the difference between what you owe on the vehicle and what the insurance company says its value is. That coverage will pay off the vehicle, even if its more than the vehicle’s valuation.
How Is My Car Repaired?
Your car may be repaired with new parts, while other insurers use second-hand parts. Using second-hand parts will be less expensive, but no one really wants used parts in their new car.
Do I Have Towing And Roadside Service?
You never know when a tow will be needed or a battery may die. Both towing and roadside service are convenient and provide an extra level of safety. Make sure those services are offered 24/7 at no additional cost at the time of service.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
We can be found on Social Media at the following links.
The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487