Hurricane Preparation can Save you from Panic
The news that a hurricane is headed your way is scary, even for people that have experienced the power of one of the massive storms. The possibility of a hurricane is a threat for which everyone living in South Florida should make preparations. It can save you from panicking and can even save your life.
The months of June through November encompass the traditional hurricane season. However, that doesn’t mean that hurricanes can’t form as early as mid-May or later than November. The best way to stay safe is to be prepared.
Make a Plan
A plan is essential so everyone knows what to do and where to meet. A strategic plan also encompasses essential supplies, medications, caring for the elderly and pets, and gathering necessary paperwork in the event of an evacuation. A phone and charger are critical for planning. Enter essential phone numbers and information on each family member’s phone.
Food and Water
If you intend to stay in your home, stock it with enough food and water for each person for three days. That comes to 12 gallons of water for a family of four. The same is true for pets. Include enough food and water for each pet for three days. Canned goods are a good choice – just don’t forget a can opener. Bottled water should be store-bought to avoid contamination. Periodically check the expiration dates on all food and water.
Pets and Service Animals
If you’re evacuating, your service animal and pets are essential and should go with you. They rely on you to keep them safe in a hurricane. It’s a good idea to have a photo that shows you and your service animal or pet together in the event that you become separated. Be sure you have enough food, water, and that service animals are wearing their vests. Don’t forget litter and litter boxes for cats and preferably a carrier in which to transport them.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s an antibiotic for a pet or grandma’s heart medication, don’t forget pharmaceuticals. Fill any prescriptions that you can and include on-hand supplies. Place them in a waterproof container. Keep a list of medications on your phone.
Make sure you have a copy of any insurance policies, vehicle registrations, drivers license, Social Security card, passport, and pet vaccination records to name a few. You don’t even have to have paper copies. You can scan them, save them to a USB drive, and place it in a waterproof container inside a go-bag or on your keyring.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
We can be found on Social Media at the following links.
The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487