Umbrella Insurance for Accidents and Injuries
There are numerous ways in which homeowners can be held liable for injuries that happen on their property, along with property damage. Depending on the type of homeowner’s policy an individual has, it can be worth the extra money to add umbrella coverage. An umbrella policy provides coverage beyond that of the individual’s primary policy.
Umbrella insurance is typically purchased by those that have significant assets they want to protect. It’s also popular for those with substantial property assets, and those that are at a higher risk of being sued. However, an individual doesn’t have to be wealthy to benefit from an umbrella policy.
People purchase insurance for their home, vehicles and health. The policies are geared toward paying for injuries to the policy holder, along with damages to their home, vehicle and personal possessions.
Umbrella policies provide protection and mitigate the financial cost for injuries, personal liability, property damage, and certain types of lawsuits. An umbrella policy offer protection for claims that include slander and libel, any rental units an individual may own, and false arrest, detention or imprisonment.
The policies don’t provide coverage for the policy holder’s own injuries or damages to their property. Exclusions also include intentional acts or criminal behavior, damage sustained during business-related activities, or injuries or damage due to certain types of vehicles or dog breeds.
The policies can be useful if an individual is involved in a car accident in which they’re at fault. It’s especially beneficial if the policy holder’s dog injuries a guest, a child is hurt while playing in the yard, or a guest sustains an injury within the home.
For landlords, an umbrella policy provides protection against injuries caused by a tenant’s dog or if a tenant is injured on the property. Individuals are protected if they’re sued for malicious prosecution, shock or mental anguish.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
We can be found on Social Media at the following links.
The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487