Minor accidents, should you always call the police?
When involved in a car accident, whether major or minor, it’s always a good idea to call the police. With over 10 million auto accidents occurring every year in the States, it’s important to always be prepared in case the unexpected happens. What you may refer to as a minor accident can result in thousands of dollars in damage. Today’s cars are highly valuable so don’t underestimate the amount of money it will cost you to get the necessary repairs.
State laws require that you reach out to the police when involved in an accident. But why should you waste your time waiting for the police when the other person seems cooperative and cordial just like you? You can simply exchange information and let your respective insurance companies handle it. Right?
Certainly not. This is especially not the case if the other driver caused the accident. You need to think of it in terms of what could be at stake. Whenever you are involved in a collision, even if the accident was minor, always call the police. The state of Florida allows you to file an accident report whether the issue is minor or major. You can always file this report online without calling the police to the scene.
When to call the police to the scene
The police need to be at the scene of the accident if:
- One of the parties involved sustained injuries
- The accident was a hit and run
- Property was damaged
- One of the parties was under the influence
It’s your word against his
Even if the auto accident resulted in a couple of scratches, it’s always important to file a police report. Otherwise, someone might just get away with a little lie that costs you thousands of dollars in form of damages. At the time of the accident, calling the police may seem like a waste of time but don’t be fooled even if the other driver is ready to share insurance information and take full blame. As soon as the other driver pulls away, it’s your word against his.
What you should do after a minor accident
Don’t be in a rush to leave the accident scene. You can take pictures of your car as well as the other driver’s car. Get names and numbers of witnesses, if any. Don’t feel shy about doing all this even if people think the auto accident is minor. You might go to the auto shop and discover that the damage needs thousands of dollars to be repaired.
What if there’s an accident alert
Situations like bad weather can make the road conditions unbearable. In some areas, the police might announce an Accident Alert: which is basically meant to alert residents that the road conditions are bad and the police have numerous emergencies to deal with. In this case, if you are involved in an accident, take the other driver’s license information, vehicle registration, insurance information and names then file a report as soon as possible.
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