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How to Protect Your Pet During A Natural Disaster

Here in Florida, we seem to get more than our fair share of natural disasters.  Hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods regularly visit our shores and often have a long-lasting effect on our residents and visitors.

But it’s not just the human inhabitants of Florida that suffer when disaster strikes, our four-legged friends and our caged companions also suffer.  With the hurricane season still in full swing, here is our guide to protecting your pet from a natural disaster in Florida.

  1. Plan Ahead

The easiest way to protect the welfare of your pet is by including them in your evacuation or shelter plans.  Residents are given plenty of warning of evacuation orders, and if you are unable to find somewhere to say with friends or family in another part of the country, there will be pet-friendly shelters available.   Make sure you have a plan in place that includes your beloved pet in case anything should happen.

  1. Microchip your pet

If you haven’t already, now is the time to get your pet microchipped.  Should you become separated from your them during the evacuation or clean-up operation, the microchip will play a crucial part in reuniting you with your furry friend. If your pets are already microchipped, make sure your details are up to date as moving to a new house, or changing telephone number could make it harder for rescuers to locate you.

  1. Prepare a box of supplies

If you are planning on sitting tight and waiting out the disaster, you should make sure you have supplies both for yourselves and your pets.  Pack a box with water, medications and non-perishable foods, as well as at least 3 days’ worth of pet food stored in a waterproof container, toys, leashes, medications, a copy of medical records, and one of your pets’ favorite blankets.

  1. Work with your neighbors

As a community, we have a duty of care to take care of all of our neighbors, whether they have two legs or four.  If your pet is usually left alone at home while you are out at work, strike up a deal with one of your more reliable neighbors to help to get them somewhere safe should disaster strike when you are not there.

  1. Let the authorities know that your pet lives there too

Should you be unable to take your pet with you, place a rescue alert sticker on your front door, so that firefighters, police and other rescue parties will know that there is a pet inside your home that needs assistance.

  1. Keep your pet away from flood water

If you have stayed at home during extreme weather conditions, or have returned home to flood water, always be sure to keep your pet as far away from it as possible.  Your pet is at risk of catching diseases including rabies, ringworm or even leptospirosis, as well as drowning.

Knowing how to keep your family and furry friends safe during a natural disaster can seem scary, but when you have a plan in place you will feel much less worried about it.

Protect Your Home and Your Family with The Sena Group

Your family, your pets and your home are your most prized possessions.  Keep them safe with comprehensive homeowners’ insurance that can help to set your straight again should disaster strike.  Call us today at 561-391-4661 to find out how we can help.

For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any

of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.


The Sena Group
6501 Congress Ave., Ste. 100
Boca Raton, FL 33487