Car Insurance Discounts you Could be Missing out On
Insurance companies offer a wide variety of discounts to entice new customers and retain established clients. Some, such as bundling car and auto policies, are known to most people, but there are many others of which vehicle owners may not be aware. In Florida, for example, insurers are required to offer a discount to drivers age 55 and older that have passed an accident prevention course.
Discounts will vary among insurance providers and you’ll need to inquire as to their availability. Insurance companies typically don’t advertise them for reasons that are obvious, but they could provide you with significant savings.
Most insurers offer an auto-pay option in which payments are automatically deducted each month from your credit card or bank account and you may be eligible for a discount for signing up.
Early Renewal
You may qualify for a discount if you renew your policy early rather than waiting for them to notify you of the impending renewal at the end of the term. They may also grant a discount if you pay in full rather than make payments.
Apps and Plug-Ins
Insurers are turning to technology with apps and plug-ins that monitor driving habits and reward you for employing safe driving habits.
Good Student
If you have an honor roll student on your policy, those grades may earn you a discount.
Low-Mileage Drivers
Drivers that rack up less than 12,000 miles annually may qualify for a discount. Insurers will want proof via odometer readings.
Organization Memberships
Insurance companies may offer discounts to clients that are members of the military, active or retired. Other organization memberships that can net you savings encompass honor societies, fraternities and sororities, business and recreational groups, AAA and AARP, non-profits, wholesale clubs, and phone carriers.
Paperless Billing
Receiving your bill via electronic means may earn you a discount. It may also provide savings in other ways, as many insurers tack on a paperwork fee of $5 or so each month if they have to send out an actual paper bill.
Security System
An anti-theft system makes a car unattractive to thieves and can get discounts. The systems run the gamut from alarms and trackers to those that can remotely shut down an engine.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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