Are Boat Towing Services Worth It?
No one ever expects to have their boat towed back to shore – until it happens. There are dozens of things that can happen to even the best-maintained vessels. It’s not a question of if a breakdown on the water occurs. It’s a question of when. What many boat owners don’t realize is that the Coast Guard defers to commercial towers unless passengers are in immediate danger.
That policy has given rise to a variety of subscription towing services where, for as little as $99 per year, companies will tow a qualifying vessel to the nearest port an unlimited number of times. However, additional fees will apply if the owner chooses to have their boat deposited at a port or dock that’s further away, or outside a specified distance. Some companies will also cover vessels an individual rents, borrows or charters.
Some boat owner’s policies include towing and on-water assistance. If it’s not included in a standard policy, it can often be added for a small additional cost. The coverage options differ among various insurance companies, so it’s important to read and understand the terms and conditions. Some insurers place limitations on towing depending upon the age and cost of the craft, while other conditions may apply.
Towing a boat is costly and can run up to $1,000 per incident, depending upon the circumstances. The meter begins running from the time the towboat leaves the dock and ends when it returns to port. Membership in a boat towing service is easy and convenient. An advantage is that members receive priority, even during holidays and high-volume times.
The services typically have a specified range that they stay within, but members are covered for additional distances. They also offer apps to ensure easier access when assistance is required and may provide other options for when boaters are out of cellular range.
For more information about how The Sena Group can help you with any
of your insurance needs, please contact us at 561-391-4661.
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