The Importance Of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

The Importance of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist insurance covers medical bills and property damage if you’re in an accident with someone that doesn’t have insurance or has too little coverage. The coverage is especially important in Florida. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the state…

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How To Lower Your Auto Insurance Policy

How to Lower Your Auto Insurance Policy

There are a variety of ways in which individuals can lower the cost of their auto insurance policy, many of which people are unaware. It pays to shop around and ask about potential discounts. Compare Quotes Shop around for the…

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Benefits Of Safe Driving Apps

Benefits of Safe Driving Apps

Just about every insurance company has some form of safe driving monitoring device. They collect a lot of information about the drivers in the household, but they also have the potential to save people money on their car insurance. There…

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Weird Traffic Laws

Weird Traffic Laws

There are dozens of laws that states have on the books that are no longer applicable to modern times. In many instances, it makes you wonder what happened in the past to make it necessary to pass a specific law.…

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Keep Your Home Safe While On Vacation

Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation

A vacation is a wonderful time to rest, relax and rewind. Unfortunately, many individuals return only to discover their home has been burglarized. It’s easy to overlook precautions in the flurry and excitement to leave, but make a check list…

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