Making Sense Of Auto Insurance Coverage

Making Sense of Auto Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies of any type are written in legalese and use jargon common in the insurance industry, but not to ordinary policyholders. Understanding the type and extent of coverage an individual has through their auto insurance policy can be confusing…

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When Insurance Costs Shouldn’t Be Cut

When Insurance Costs Shouldn’t be Cut

Car insurance can take a huge bite out of the budget and people may be tempted to lower their costs by reducing or eliminating certain coverage. The concern of motorists is understandable. According to the Consumer Price Index, insurance costs…

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Insurance Agent Vs. Broker

Insurance Agent vs. Broker

Anyone in need of insurance for any reason typically seeks the advice of an insurance agent, but there are other options of which people should be aware. They can shop for insurance through an insurance agent or an insurance broker.…

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Niche Insurance Policies For Specific Things

Niche Insurance Policies for Specific Things

Individuals are familiar with home, life, auto and business insurance, but there’s a whole other realm of things for which people desire protection. Niche insurance policies are becoming more popular and insurance companies have been quick to comply. Whether real…

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What Is Personal Cyber Protection?

What is Personal Cyber Protection?

The internet can sometimes seem like the Wild West in terms of threats, with new online risks appearing almost every day. Most people think of cyber attacks as something that happens to big corporations, but it frequently happens to individuals…

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Life Insurance Beyond 50

Life Insurance Beyond 50

Unfortunately, life insurance is something that often gets overlooked by people busy building families and careers. It’s not until the children are grown and people retire that they suddenly realize they need some type of life insurance to pay for…

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