Insure Your Vacant Home
You may be a landlord with an unoccupied rental unit, own a vacation home that’s only used part of the year, waiting for a home to sell, or performing renovations. Either way, you’re going to need insurance to protect your…
You may be a landlord with an unoccupied rental unit, own a vacation home that’s only used part of the year, waiting for a home to sell, or performing renovations. Either way, you’re going to need insurance to protect your…
Most people are familiar with bundling deals offered by telecommunication companies, but many aren’t aware that they can do the same with their insurance coverage to save money. It’s a popular practice within the insurance industry, an effective tool for…
Off-road vehicles have always been popular, but the array of off-road vehicles has expanded significantly over the past few years, along with the way they’re used. It’s important for individuals to understand what constitutes an off-road vehicle by insurance company…
Insurance policies are available for a great many things besides your home and auto. Options are also available to enhance existing coverage. They make life easier, more convenient and can address issues you may never even have considered. Home The…
Personal watercraft (PWC) are extremely popular, especially in South Florida, where opportunities to enjoy PWCs abound. You may be surprised to discover that they’re considered to be a vessel, requiring you to comply with safety equipment regulations. That includes life…
If you have the good fortune to have a vacation home, it’s critical to insure it since you won’t be in residence all year. If damage occurs, you may not even know it and if you carry a mortgage on…
You’re probably aware that a boating safety course can save you 5 percent, and sometimes more, on your boat insurance costs. The course can also save your life. Boating safety courses cover an extensive array of essential information for anyone…
You’ll want to provide as much protection for your home as possible, without spending a fortune, but understanding exactly what you’re purchasing in your policy can be confusing. Insurance can also be expensive, especially in South Florida where the danger…
There’s a lot of confusion among people over the difference between general liability insurance and professional liability insurance. The bewilderment is understandable. There are times when one type of policy will provide additional types of coverage, but business owners will…
Insurance policies of any type are written in legalese and use jargon common in the insurance industry, but not to ordinary policyholders. Understanding the type and extent of coverage an individual has through their auto insurance policy can be confusing…