Shopping For A Homeowner’s Policy

Shopping for a Homeowner’s Policy

A homeowner’s insurance policy is protection against catastrophic damage and loss to your home. Your home is an important asset and needs adequate protection. When it comes to homeowner’s insurance, it definitely pays to shop around to obtain the most…

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Properly Insuring Your PWC

Properly Insuring your PWC

A personal watercraft (PWC) provides hours of aquatic fun and sales of the recreational craft were up by eight percent in 2020, even amidst the pandemic. There are multiple brands from which to choose, they have highly accessible price points,…

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Auto Insurance For Your Leased Vehicle

Auto Insurance for your Leased Vehicle

Auto dealerships are increasingly touting the benefits of leasing a vehicle rather than the traditional model of obtaining an installment loan to purchase it. It’s a win-win situation for dealerships, but not so much for you. Two three-year car leases…

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Long Term Care Insurance

Long Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance is a specific insurance product that helps to cover the costs involved with long-term care. In the United States, this type of insurance is also referred to as long-term care insurance or long-term disability insurance. This insurance…

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Is Cyber Insurance For You?

Is Cyber Insurance For You?

A data breach can do more than damage to your business computer system. It can also damage your reputation and place your clients and/or staff at greater risk of becoming the next cybercrime victim. That is why cyber insurance is…

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Keeping Your Older Car Safe

Keeping Your Older Car Safe

Whether you have just purchased your first vehicle, or you have had your older car for quite some time, keeping your car safe is important to you. Of course, you want your car to continue to run well and be…

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