Boat Rental Vs. Ownership

Boat Rental vs. Ownership

South Florida is well-known for its boating opportunities. Each year many people take the plunge and make the major purchase of a boat. There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with owning a vessel of any size and the larger…

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Do I Still Need Life Insurance After 50?

Do I Still Need Life Insurance After 50?

Your insurance needs change and evolve throughout your lifetime. Much about life insurance will depend on your life situation and financial status at any given time. People purchase life insurance for many reasons. They may want to pay for final…

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7 Tips For First Time Car Buyers

7 Tips for First Time Car Buyers

Purchasing a car for the first time is exciting. Individuals typically have an idea of the type of vehicle they want, there are a variety of things to consider before individuals even begin looking for a car. The following are…

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