What Is Wind Insurance And Do I Need It?

What is Wind Insurance and do I Need It?

Winds can be highly destructive, resulting in billions of dollars in property damages and injuries to people. In Florida, you may experience high winds from tornadoes and hurricanes. Straight-line winds associated with ordinary storms are also a risk. They can…

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Why Navigating Online Insurance Is Exhausting

Why Navigating Online Insurance is Exhausting

The decision to change insurance companies, or at the very least conduct comparison pricing, using online resources can be far more arduous than anticipated. Even aggregate websites that promise to find the best prices from dozens of insurers can leave…

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The Basics Of Car Insurance

The Basics of Car Insurance

Even individuals that have purchased auto insurance for years can easily be confused by the terminology associated with their auto insurance and exactly what it covers. Policyholders should know what their basic coverage requirements are, the optional coverage that’s available…

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New Homeowner Hurricane Prep

New Homeowner Hurricane Prep

People that live in South Florida are aware that they should always be prepared in the event of a hurricane. New homeowners are often so wrapped up in their new home they forget to prepare. It’s important to remember that…

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