Save On Car Insurance By Paying In Full

Save on Car Insurance by Paying in Full

The vast majority of people with car insurance pay their premiums monthly on the installment plan. While the practice has become commonplace, there was a time when installment payments weren’t an option – until insurance companies discovered that people were…

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What Drives Up The Cost Of Auto Policies

What Drives up the Cost of Auto Policies

There are many factors that impact the cost of car insurance. Many individuals purchase a vehicle, only to learn that their rates have increased significantly and they don’t know why. The following are all dynamics that influence car insurance costs.…

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Insuring A Luxury Car

Insuring a Luxury Car

Many drivers believe a luxury car is essential for their lifestyle, but luxury models also come with a higher price tag when it comes to insurance. It’s a special class of car insurance that takes into account the higher cost…

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Business Interruption Insurance Coverage

Business Interruption Insurance Coverage

Conducting business can be interrupted for any number of reasons. Most business owners think primarily in terms of fires, followed by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes tornadoes, or hurricanes. While most policies won’t directly cover natural disasters, the resulting…

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The Competitive World Of Auto Insurance

The Competitive World of Auto Insurance

The auto insurance industry is highly-competitive, with dozens of companies vying for motorists’ dollars. Separating the wheat from the chaff can be a difficult proposition. Drivers simply want good rates, value for their dollar, and a high level of customer…

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Top 4 Navigation Apps

Top 4 Navigation Apps

Whether they have an Android or iOS-based phone, everyone carries a navigation app. They make it easy to navigate locations around the world, whether they’re simply familiarizing themselves with a new town on foot or they’re visiting abroad. Some apps…

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